Klenoty naší krajiny – Český les

The Upper Palatine Forest was recently featured on Czech TV during the 3rd season of a successful documentary series about exceptional places in protected areas of the Czech Republic, directed by Petra Všelichová and hosted by Miroslav Vladyka. For almost 350 years, the house of Kolowrat has been closely connected to the area surrounding the Přimda Castle in the Upper Palatine Forest. Apart from the Nazi and communist eras, the Krakowskýs of Kolowrat have been the proprietors of the Upper Palatine Forest estates and built two Baroque mansions there. Specifically, the Velké Dvorce Castle and the Hunting Lodge Diana.

Within the Diana forest district, the Kolowrat Forests, together with Český les Landscape Park administration, manage two natural reserves: the Přimda Reserve and the Diana Reserve. The forests are managed sensitively with the maximum use of natural woodland regeneration, fostering the diversity of forest stands species and ages.

3. série dokumentárního cyklu České televize o výjimečných lokalitách nacházejících se v chráněných krajinných oblastech České republiky představuje mimo jiné i Chráněnou krajinnou oblast Český les, která je více než 350 let spjata s hraběcím rodem Kolowratů.