JUDr. Dominika Kolowrat-Krakowska Congratulated the Paraple Centre on its 18th Birthday

The celebration was attended by the centre's clients, partners, patrons and members of the board of directors. The Paraple Centre has been helping paralyzed people to adjust to new living conditions since 1994. Mr Zdeněk Svěrák, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, cut the cake and added: “The fact, that the Czech public was able to fund the construction of the Paraple Centre assures me, that we are not as selfish as it may seem according to the daily press. As long as we have Paraple, we don’t need to hang our heads.”

Kolowratek traditionally supports the Paraple Centre. This year we are going to contribute CZK 200.000 to its account.

JUDr. Dominika Kolowrat-Krakowska Congratulated the Paraple Centre on its 18th Birthday