Hunters´ ball in Přimda supported by Kolowratek

For the third time, The Hunters´ ball in Primda was ranked among the most important social and cultural events in the region. The organizers – Kolowrat´s forests employees – have tried very hard and prepared very attractive program and rich raffle for their guests.

The opening ceremony was started traditionally by Mrs. JUDr. Kolowrat – Krakowska. She warmly welcomed all guests among whom many were partners of the Kolowratek Endowment Fund. She praised the dedication of the Kolowrat´s Forests employees who prepared the ball in their free time and then wished all participants a pleasant evening.

The band Music from Klatovy played to dancing and listening, Myslivna restaurant from Rozvadov took care of the catering. Zuzanka Holakovska from Children´s home in Tachov delighted and touched everybody with her beautiful voice. Girls from dance group Diamonds Dance also contributed to a good entertainment. And, we cannot forget the Kolowrat´s forests horn-blowers, whose flourishes announced the main events.

The proceedings from ticket sales, rich and various raffle and from the auctioned price Mouflon hunt were donated to Children´s home in Tachov through the Kolowratek Endowment Fund, which supports the home for a long time.